Who is The Hemp Hound Agency?

Hi, my name is Cefyn (Kevin) Jones, and I am the founder of The Hemp Hound Agency
For over 30 years now, I have had some involvement within the world of cannabis, 8 of those specifically within the UK hemp & CBD industry.
6 of those years have been spent advising companies on how to operate within the UK legal cannabis product sector, and making introductions to help people expand on their adventures. In essence, I'm an industry advisor and signposter, and in 2021 I decided to take that skillset and create The Hemp Hound Agency.
In 2022 the remit change, Novel Foods for CBD products started to raise more questions than there were answers, so The Hemp Hound Agency was positioned into becoming an industry commentator, whilst also engaging in a level of investigative journalism to get the answers to industry concerns, some of which are still yet to be addressed.
Now, and whilst still maintaining the B2B focus of the advisory and signposting services on offer, The Hemp Hound Agency has become a prominent voice within the UK Hemp & CBD industry that questions those who are not open or transparent with their intentions.
"Cannabis first and foremost is a food, then it's a medicine, and whatever you want past there.
"Whilst there are many out there championing better access to medicinal cannabis in the UK, less and less seem to be championing the right to access cannabis as a food. With that happening, regulatory authorities are working to restrict and dismantle the Hemp & CBD food supplemental industry, ready to hand it over to the pharmaceutical sector
"The problem there is that people are forgetting that a need for medicinal cannabis often comes after being starved of cannabinoids that the body needs to maintain the Endo-Cannabinoid System.
"That to me is exactly what The Hemp Hound Agency is all about - food before medicine - and I will champion that whilst offering advice and direction to those who make of sell legal cannabis products in the UK"
Also in The Hemp Hound Agency is Sprocket Jones, who is the directory for Security and Treats.
The English Point / Airedale cross takes his job seriously, and is paid well for image rights that cover not just The Hemp Hound Agency but also Hemp Hound TV.
He can often be heard in recording sessions, either grumbling about what I'm saying or squeaking at the postman when he's rudely walked by without posting any letters through the door.
His further responsibilities include: being more popular in the village than his owners, being more politely greeted by those in the village than their owners, stealing more of the bed than is possible for a dog his size, stealing anything that's not nailed down on a desk when my back is turned, and engaging puppydog eye when there's a suspicion of being told off for stealing something off my desk.
Sprockets knowledge of hemp is: leaves taste nice, so do hemp dog treats, and the stems are sticks!